The weather has gotten a heck of a lot better since the last time I updated this. We've had some beautiful sunny days. During those days, I just wanna stay outside the whole time. I swear, even if I just came from school and we've been outside all day and I'm tired, I still wanna go back outside, even if it's just down the street or something. The weather is fine now, but it isn't one of those really pretty days. There's no sun, just a bunch of clouds. :( But at least it isn't all that cold anymore! :)
If you are wondering how my ACT's went... it stunk. Horribly. I now have any type of Math or Science you can come up with. See, the English part was easy-peasy, because I'm so great at English. It's my best subject (even though I almost failed it last sememster... Long story.). Once I got the Math, I was doing fine until number 11. After that, it was stuff I've never even heard off. Reading was ok, but we didn't have long to read these HUGE sections and answer 40 questions, so that really sucked. The worst one of all was the Chemistry. I think I died a little after that one. I had to guess on each one because I didn't get it at all.
See, last Wednesday, we all ended up having to go home because it began to snow. That means that I couldn't get any help with Math part. Thursday, school was cancelled, so I was SOL with help on Chemistry. I honestly believe that if I'd gotten help I would have done better. I just hope next time I go to take it I can actually have some help.
Well, I got a really busy weekend ahead of me. Tomorrow is the Beauty Review at our school. I'm not in it, I just have to work behind everything because I'm in Journalism. I don't mind at all, but I wish I would have someone to talk to. Emily will be there, but that's just to watch, so I'll be behind the curtains all alone with screaming little girls (and I'm not just talking about the elementry... titty babies...).
Saturday, I have to get up at 6 a.m to go to the robot competition. We're having it at VoTech and four other schools from around Mississippi are coming to compete. The best two winners are going to Orlando to compete in an even bigger competition. I'm really excited and I really hope we win! We named our robot R2M2. Really cute way I came up with that name. Only four minutes left in class, so I'll have to write back later. Ciao!
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