Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I just got done reading Twin's second to last post and realized she let a big secret slip (and don't think I'm mad, Twin, because i swear I'm not!). I have a confession to make to some of the readers (or just reader... whatever, more people will come some day) that look up to me for being such a Twilight hater. See, there was a time when I did like Twilight. It wasn't an obsession like Twin's (never that big!), but I really liked it. On Facebook, I saw all these pieces of flair that kept saying "I Heart Edward Cullen" or "I Heart Jacob Black" or "Team Bella". I had no idea what they were talking about. Then, in December of my sophomore year (please don't ask me how I remember that... better left unknown), I found out what Twilight was from friends, mainly because they were talking about the Movie coming out. So one of my friends let me borrow the first, and I gotta say, it was kinda hard to get into at first. But I always finish a book that I started (wish I could say the same for journal thoughts and diary entries... my memories always end up fading), so I stuck with it. I remember being 15 with a pink and blue High School Musical beanbag chair and being home alone. We had a Christmas Parade in Amory and I wanted to go, but I had to wait until my 'rents got back home. After Hancock went off, I hopped on my beanbag and began reading, getting to the part where Bella met the Cullens for the first time. After I finished that book, my friend gave me the second book, New Moon, and I finished that one before Christmas break. I waited for her to bring Eclipse, but she never did, so I figured I'd never get to read it. I talked with a bunch of my friends about who was better, Edward or Jacob (first, I thought it was Edward, then after New Moon, I was like, Jacob is sooooo much better, even if he did try to force Bella to be with him!). After I my best friend broke up with her boyfriend for an idiot (which she realizes was dumb, but I still hold it against her), I told her she'd just broken up with a real life Edward Cullen and she didn't realize it. After Christmas break, when I started going to ALC, I meant Breanna and Deanna, the absolute sweetest people ever! (If you and find someone else sweeter than them, tell me because I will fight you. :D) Deanna only knew me for two minutes (Do you hear me people? TWO MINUTES!!!!!!) and she let me borrow Eclipse! I loved her forever after that. Once I was done with that, I read Breaking Dawn and viola! I was done and pretty happy. I even considered myself a twi-hard, now that I think about. Breaking Dawn was my favorie because I love Reneesme (correct my spelling). My mom even got me the Twilight movie for my birthday and once I finished the rough draft of my book, Because You Live, I said in my Acknowledgements part that I hoped one day my books could sell as great as J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyers. I think it was around summer, or even before then, that I realized Twilight was completely taking over. It was all over magazines, whereas, you might see Harry Potter mentioned on like, one page, maybe not even one. Plus, I considered Robert Pattinson a total backstabbing betrayer! I mean, sure, he's character got killed on Harry Potter, but he didn't have to turn to the other side! (For you chicks out there who think he's so goregous, I have just one thing to say: really? Have you honestly looked at him? Ewww, he looks like something that crawled out of a cow's butt!) I wouldn't take, so I'm totally devoted to Harry Potter now and nothing can pull me away and I will never stoop that far in Twilight again! But.... I have already read the books, so it would only make sense to watch the movies, right? Right? Right. Don't judge me. Harry Potter will always rock, roll and rule. Oh, and if you think I'm so wrong, think about this: Twilight may be in ever magazine you see, on every channel you watch, but Harry Potter has been around for almost TEN YEARS!!!! It will never get old, while Twilight might be around for another year or two, then get as old as dirt. Harry Potter, though, is and always will be a classic. Booya! Some of you might hate me now, but I'm so okay with that. These are my confessions, and now you know my secret past. Ciao!